Clues Articles

Nailing a Debut

March 2020 Gimme Five: Nailing a Debut

By J.C. Moore

Layne Fargo knows a thing or two about nailing a debut. Her first novel, Temper, launched with great reviews, blurbs aplenty, and a contract for a second book. This month she shares her tips for making a successful debut. 

1) Write a great book. It should go without saying, but if you’re asking people to build buzz around your work, it needs to be excellent. 

2) Connect with bookstagrammers and book bloggers. Layne’s publisher sent review copies of her book “everywhere” and Layne was amazed at how many readers discovered her through Instagram. For authors who are doing much of the heavy marketing lifting themselves, Layne recommends they embrace new outlets, in addition to the old line review sites.

3) Create your relationship tools before you launch. You need to capture email addresses from readers if you want to communicate directly, and that takes advance planning in terms of your landing page and content strategy. Layne didn’t start a newsletter before her book came out, and says she’s playing catch up. She’s planning to use the launch of her paperback to do giveaways and incentives and is focusing on a system to automate author platform tools.

4) Be active in the writing community. Like most of us, Layne started the writing journey without knowing many writers. Through Pitch Wars, she was able to build a network of writing friends. She says that anyone can build a network, and the easiest way is by going to meetings and attending events. 

“Go with an open mind and curiosity,” Layne says. “Talk to as many people as you can, and ask people about their work and their own writing journey.”

Not comfortable walking up cold? Layne describes herself as an anxious introvert, so she networks online first. Once she’s chatted with someone in the virtual world, it’s easier to make an in-person connection.

5) Support other authors. Authors want to be helpful, and Layne said many authors shared her book with their fans. “We’re all fans of each other, colleagues and boosters,” Layne says. “I talk about their books as much as they talk about mine.”

J.C. Moore is the author of the Maggie White Mysteries, debuting May 2020 with Murder in the Piazza from Level Best Books. Her short fiction has appeared in Mystery Weekly, and she is the editor of the Mystery Writers of America Midwest newsletter.