Members-only announcements

MWA presents: Writing Mysteries (anthology)

A note from Lee Child:

I'm putting together a new, 21st-century edition of MWA's classic handbook, Writing Mysteries — full of great essays and how-to tips from some of our members. Happily, it's turning out so well, we’ve already done a deal with a major publisher. But in addition to the essays I’ve invited specific writers to contribute, I want as many MWA members as possible to be included. I want every one of you to send me the best writing advice you ever gave, or ever heard. This can be old pieces or new essays (your own, naturally), anything from one-liners to thousand-liners. (For instance, I live by two kind-of-contradictory rules: "Do it once and do it right" and "Don't get it right, get it written.")  
I'll go over what you send me and extract the vital stuff, and use it as sidebars, interspersing the main text, with full credit to you. So please send me anything you've got — short, long, fun, serious, anything at all.  
Payment will depend on the final word count and the number of contributors — although anyone who would like to donate their advance to this great organization of ours will receive MWA’s considerable gratitude.
Let’s make this edition of MWA's Writing Mysteries one for the ages — a handbook every writer can learn from.
The contest is for all current MWA Members only, regardless of membership category.
Lee Child, handbook general editor
Laurie R. King, Publications committee chair
To enter: send your email to the following e-mail address (for the handbook only):
Name (and pseudonym):
Web site:
My tip:
Has this been published before? If so, give full publishing details:
We’d especially like to hear your tips on:

  • How to outline  -or-  How to NOT outline

  • Write what you know -or-  Write what you don’t know

  • Self-publishing tips

  • Self-publishing: how to edit your manuscript

  • Reinventing your career

  • How to make the time to write

  • How to use social media 

NOTE:  As you write your piece, keep in mind the diverse nature of our Mystery Writers of America community.  Our stories speak in a wide mix of voices—whether in age, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation, ethnic or racial backgrounds — because our membership covers that same broad mix. Some of us have been published for years, others are just beginning; some are with traditional publishers while many are self-published; some of us are Noir, some Cozy, and some are non-fiction entirely.  Our Writing Mysteries handbook celebrates and speaks to all.
Contest deadline: February 15, 2020.
